Top Causes Of Poor Health
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Foods that Raise Cholesterol

According to the National Cholesterol Education Program, to lower your LDL cholesterol, your total fat should account for less than 30% of your total calories, and carbohydrates should account for less than 50-60% of your total caloric intake.

When it comes to meat, choose lean meats such as chicken, fish and turkey, rather than red meats.

Watch out for processed snacks and fried foods, which often contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, since it has been shown to raise cholesterol oils. This means reducing your consumption of processed cookies, chips, and candies, as well as deep fried foods.

Salad dressings, sauces, dips, that contain a lot of fat, as well as butter and lard, will all cling to your arterties once inside the body. Look for low fat alternatives, or simply reduce the amount you use.

Reduce your consumption of these foods:
* Liver and other organ meats
* Egg yolks
* Full-fat dairy products, such as milks, cheeses, sour cream and ice cream
* Butter and lard
* Processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs, bologna and salami
* Untrimmed red meats
* Fried foods
* Some poultry, such as goose and duck

Related Articles:

Foods that raise cholesterol levels
Foods that lower cholesterol levels
What causes high cholesterol?
High and low cholesterol level charts

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